Psychological and Educational Testing
Northern Virginia

Lifespan Psychological Services is committed to providing top-notch psychological testing and evidence-based psychotherapy.

In addition to a warm, personalized approach to consultation, psychological evaluations, educational assessments, and psychotherapy, Dr. Christina Ralph has extensive experience working effectively with children, adolescents, and adults.

Located in Alexandria, Virginia, the office is easily accessible for clients in Maryland and Washington, D.C.

Evaluations for Learning and Attention Issues

Areas of expertise include testing for:

  • - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other issues related to executive functioning

  • - Dyslexia / reading disability

  • - Written language learning disorder, dysgraphia

  • - Dyscalculia (learning disability in math)

  • - Social-emotional concerns, such as mood and social skills

With evaluations tailored to each individual’s needs, we can gain valuable information about the way a person:

  • Processes information

  • Solves problems

  • Learns material, and

  • Thinks about oneself and others.

A clearer understanding of yourself to help you tackle those obstacles and reach your full potential.

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  • Trouble paying attention? Not getting work done? Feeling disorganized?

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  • Reading slowly? Poor handwriting? Trouble solving math problems?

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  • Entering private school? Looking into advanced academic programs?

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  • Trouble managing emotions? Difficulty making friends? Getting angry easily?

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